IT 資助計劃諮詢

IT Fund Programme Consultation

Our experienced team has extensive experience and has assisted many clients in providing free preliminary TVP programme consultation.

iGears 鼓勵機構/公司善用政府資助,加速數碼轉型。因此,iGears 會為客戶提供免費的前期諮詢服務,讓客戶了解需求時,同時提供所需的報價單,盡力為客戶解答填寫TVP時的疑難。

iGears encourages institutions/companies to make use of government funding to accelerate digital transformation. Therefore, iGears will provide free preliminary consultation services to clients, allowing them to understand their needs while providing the necessary quotations, and strive to answer their queries when filling out the TVP.


What is Technology Voucher Programme (TVP)?

科技券計劃(TVP) 是香港創新科技署 (ITC) 創新及科技基金的資助計劃。資金上限為600,000港元,或 75%。其主要目標是資助香港本地中小型企業發展技術服務和解決方案。使用更好的技術時,香港本地中小型企業可以提高生產力、升級和/或更新業務流程、保持長期的行業競爭力

The Technology Voucher Programme (TVP) is a funding scheme under the Innovation and Technology Fund of the Hong Kong Innovation and Technology Commission. The funding cap is HK$600,000 or 75% of the project cost. The main objective of the TVP is to subsidize local small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in Hong Kong to utilize technology services and solutions. With better technology, local SMEs in Hong Kong can Enhance productivity, Upgrade and /or update business processes, Maintain long-term competitiveness in the industry.


Eligible Applicants


All sizes of local enterprises (non-listed companies).


Program Objective


Enhance enterprise productivity with the use of technological services and solutions.


Funding Amount

每家合資格企業最多60萬港元資助 (申請企業必須以現金投入不少於核准項目總成本三分之一的資金)。

Up to $600,000 Hong Kong dollars for each eligible enterprise (applicant must invest not less than one-third of the total approved project cost).


Eligibility Criteria


Non-listed and registered enterprises of all sizes in Hong Kong. Substantial business operations at the time of application.


Scope of TVP Funding


  • 公司必須根據商業登記條例 (BRO) 或公司條例或法定機構的有關條例在香港註冊成立。
  • 公司不得是政府下屬組織或任何政府下屬組織的子公司。政府分支機構是指經常從政府獲得補助金的公司。
  • 公司必須在香港開展實質性業務。在TVP申請期間,實質性業務操作必須是一個或多個項目。外殼企業註冊的公司不符合資格。
  • 公司必須是非上市企業。

Clients should prepare the following before web design:

  • Registered in Hong Kong under the Business Registration Ordinance (BRO), Companies Ordinance, or relevant ordinances of statutory bodies.
  • Not government-related organizations or subsidiaries of any government-related organizations. Government-related organizations refer to companies that regularly receive subsidies from the government.
  • Conducting substantive business operations in Hong Kong. During the TVP application period, the substantive business operation must be one or more projects. Shell companies are not eligible.
  • Non-listed enterprises.

iGears 提供前期免費諮詢

iGears Provides Preliminary Free Consultation


Provide Professional IT Solution Recommendations


Answer How to Upgrade and/or Update Business Processes


Provide Quotations for Relevant Services


iGears' Projects Eligible For TVP Application


CRM System

- 教育中心管理系統
  Education Centre Management System
- 會員及課程管理系統
  Member and Course Management System
- 人力及資源管理系統
  HR and Resource Management System


Website Design


Mobile App Design


E-commerce Website and Platform


Member Loyalty System


Appointment System


Why Us?



Experience in Applying Fund

Starting from social welfare development Fund, we have experienced in helping clients applying different type of funding: from implementing the projects to preparing projects reports. Successful clients include but not limit to United Christian Nethersole Community Health Service; Zion Social Service; The Mission Covenant Church Yiu On Neighbourhood Elderly Centre.



Professional Consultation

Serving over 1000 customers in Hong Kong in the past 14 years, we experienced in providing different IT solutions to different industries. We, based on your company's specific needs or workflow, provide productive and effective suggestion on how IT solutions can help your business.



Thoughtful Implementation

A project team will be assigned to assist your company in a considerate manner. The whole project phases such as planning, design, development, testing, monitoring and following-up will be well-documented to let you be fully informed and updated. These documents can also help make the reporting process of the fund application easier.

想了解更多? 立即聯絡我們。

Want to know more? Contact our team now.