SMS & MMS 文字短訊及多媒體短訊

SMS & MMS Promotion

A Low-cost High-efficiency Promotional Platform


What is SMS


Nowadays SMS is one of the most popular communication channels. SMS is a low-cost high-efficiency promotional platform for news release and marketing promotion. Apart from this, SMS could be used in Customer Relationship Management to enhance communication between corporate and clients.

SMS 功能及特點

SMS Functions and Features

SMS 短訊發送範圍廣泛

Wide Coverage of Sending

SMS可發送致香港(+852)、中國大陸(+86)及世界其他國家。 短訊內容支援英文、繁體、簡體中文及其他國家語言 (UTF8)。

Service covers Hong Kong (+852), China (+86) and oversea. Support English, Traditional Chinese, Simplified Chinese and other language (UTF 8).


Self Web-based Platform


No installation required. SMS broadcast scheduling. Provide report. Auto-remind of account balance.


Import Contacts Easily

可直接由Excel xls, xlsx, csv 或txt 檔直接彙入聯絡人,方便記錄、管理、分析數據。

Time is money. Directly import contacts from Excel xls, xlsx, csv or txt files is what you need.


Easily query SMS delivery results

我們的系統會即時回報發送狀態,讓你無憂無慮處理SMS 短訊內容!

Our system will report the delivery status in real time, allowing you to deal with SMS text messages worry-free!


Follow the Unsolicited Electronic Messages Ordinance


You can have free searching and blocking the Not-to-call Registers.

製定SMS 短訊發送ID

Customized Sender ID

您可自定接收短訊時的來電顯示、號碼或公司英文名稱 (需預先查詢及另外報價)。

Want a different ID? You can access customize Sender ID, number and company name (in English), please contact us for further information!


Check account balance


The SMS system provides the remaining balance of the account, allowing you to easily control SMS costs!


SMS API Integration

我們提供API連接文件,你可以輕易連繫至我們的SMS 平台。

API document would be provided for SMS system. You may use it for connecting your website / e-platform. 

MMS 支援

MMS Support


Want to attach an image with SMS? Try MMS, unlimited text content with JPG/GIF eye-catching attachment!


International SMS support


SMS platform supports international SMS. Due to various standard in different regions, please contact us for more information.

甚麼是 MMS

What is MMS

MMS 為「Multimedia Messaging Service」,即是多媒體簡訊服務。現今世代最常用的通訊技術之一。MMS就是 SMS 簡訊的強化版本。除了文字資料,MMS 亦可發送JPG/GIF、音頻及短片等不同多媒體檔案,視乎手機/SIM卡供應商是否支援。MMS 令文字短訊內容更精彩,加強視覺效果,讓收件者留下更深刻的印象。

MMS stands for "Multimedia Messaging Service", which is multimedia messaging service. One of the most commonly used communication technologies in today's generation. MMS is an enhanced version of SMS text messaging. In addition to text data, MMS can also send different multimedia files such as JPG/GIF, audio and video, depending on whether the mobile phone/SIM card provider supports it. MMS makes text messages more exciting, enhances visual effects, and leaves a deeper impression on recipients.

SMS 及 MMS常見問題

SMS & MMS Frequently Asked Questions


Pricing Table


Our SMS Charges Are Suitable For Businesses Of All Sizes

選項 A

Option A

$ 2,000 Credit

$ 0.5 /Unit
  • 4,000個短訊額4,000 SMS Quota
  • 隨機發送號碼Random Sender ID

選項 B

Option B

$ 3,600 Credit

$ 0.45 /Unit
  • 8,000 個短訊額8,000 SMS Quota
  • 自定義發送號碼Customized Sender ID

MMS 多媒體短訊推廣收費按照發送量分配

MMS Multimedia SMS Promotion Charges Are Allocated Based On Sending Volume

MMS 活動

MMS Campaign

$ 0.5 起(Start)

  • MMS平台一年有效MMS Platform Valid For 1 Year
  • 每天發送無限制Unlimited Sending Every Day
  • 免設置費用No Setup Fee
  • 自定義發送號碼Customized Sender ID
  • 每個香港本地SMS短訊字數限制分別為70個中文字或160個英文字 (UTF)。
  • 每個中國大陸SMS短訊字數限制為60個中文字。
  • 若SMS短訊內容超出字數限制,該短訊將會當作2個短訊費用計算或更多。所扣除的實際金額將視乎使用的短訊數量而定。
  • The character limits for SMS messages in Hong Kong are 70 Chinese characters or 160 English characters (UTF).
  • In mainland China, the character limit for SMS messages is 60 Chinese characters.
  • If a SMS message exceeds the character limit, it will be counted as two or more messages for billing purposes. The actual amount deducted will depend on the number of messages used.


Related Services / Information

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EDM®’s self-served email promotional service is a very fast and effective way for promotion. It helps companies to update their customer with the newest product information and companies can build up a relationship with their customers from this.

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LBS 服務

LBS Services


Send bulk text messages to users in designated areas, helping customers send text messages to designated users in one go.

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SEO 服務

SEO Services

多年SEO經驗,提供專業優質、多客戶信賴的 SEO 搜尋引擎優化顧問服務,短時間內將你的網站排名提升到搜尋結果第一頁。

With many years of SEO experience, we provide professional, high-quality, and trusted SEO search engine optimization consulting services, which can improve your website ranking to the first page of search results in a short time.

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想了解更多? 立即聯絡我們。

Want to know more? Contact our team now.